It is intended for the development of knowledge and passions in mechatronics, robotics.
Team spirit and interest in applications are developing.
It is addressed to FIM students, but students from other faculties can also be invited.
It takes place in the rooms: Basics of mechatronics (3rd floor/body B), Laboratory
Robotics (Hall/ground floor), mechatronics and electronics workshop (2nd floor).
Students can learn and build electronic assemblies (with and without controller), mobile robots, etc.
Students’ works can be selected for various competitions in the country and abroad intended for students.
Students can opt for registration at the Romanian Society of Robotics, Suceava branch, which supports this circle. In November of each year, registrations are made.
Registration is done at Mr. Sl. Dr. Eng. Romanu Ionut or Mr. Eng. Pintilie Dorel.
Professor Dr. Eng. Romeo Ionescu
SL Dr. Eng. Romanu Ionut
SL Dr. Eng. Severin Traian-Lucian
Supporters: Eng. Pintilie Dorel and other teachers from the faculty